Cederberg Spacewalk – In Progress

I’ve been wanting to make a Cederberg shawl for a long time but have been putting it off because it’s a huge undertaking (three whole skeins of sock yarn!) and I couldn’t locate the color combination I wanted to use. I fell in love with a limited time color (Intergalactic) that was only available through one yarn store, and it had run out years ago. I contacted a couple people who had listed a skein for sale on Ravelry but never heard back. It was very frustrating but when SweetGeorgia announced their new spring colors I knew exactly what I wanted to do!

With some help from Charlotte Lee on the SweetGeorgia team I picked out my colors: Starlight, Spacewalk, and Velvet Elvis. I’m so thrilled with this combination and can’t wait to see how this shawl turns out! Starlight is in their Cashluxe Spark yarn while Spacewalk and Velvet Elvis are in Mohair Silk Sock. I’m really delighted with how well Starlight and Spacewalk blend together – the stripes sections don’t look like stripes so much as Spacewalk in a diluted form. I’m even happy with how Velvet Elvis has a few touches of teal that blend in so well with Spacewalk. I feel so grateful with how everything is working out!

I know I’m late to the party, but have you made a Cederberg? What colors did you choose? What guides your color selection?