Hello World!

Hi there! My name is Diane, and I’m looking forward to sharing my journeys in the fiber and textile arts with you! My first passion is dancing Argentine Tango, which I started doing 2009 and started performing in 2015. I’ve found that performance costumes are very expensive to buy and there is very little in the way of proper practice wear out there! I wear a lot of yoga clothes to rehearsal! Most of the costumes my team purchases are dresses which we alter and embellish to work for the stage. In creating my own costumes and dancewear I’ve also found that it can be very difficult to find resources and information in how to do some of these things. I started this website in order to share what I’ve learned along the way!

Another one of my great hobbies is in making things with yarn, i.e. knitting, crochet, and weaving. Last year I started a get together with some of my dancing friends which I called “Dancing Needles”! I wanted to have a place where I can share what I’ve been working on. I have many friends who knit but don’t know many people who crochet or weave!

So there you have it! I may share other artistic endeavors (I also dabble in watercolor and oil painting), but I mostly want to share where my textile and fiber arts hobbies meet my dance. I hope you find something useful or interesting here that will help you on your textile and/or fiber art journey! Have a great day!


    1. Post

      Yes, although crochet uses a hook instead of a needle! But yes, look forward to many yarny adventures! <3

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